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I stepped out into a post-apocalyptic morning, deep orange light penetrating the dark sky …

I stepped out into a post-apocalyptic morning, deep orange light penetrating the dark sky

OK, it is just the morning after Hallowe'en. Nothing worse than a some smashed pumpkins littering the neighborhood and a few candy wrappers about as I scurry along on my morning run. But now that I have your attention, I want to share this for any new readers.

You can do it. Whatever your dreams and aspirations are, you are no different than any other human being on this planet, you have within you the capacity to succeed. I have mentioned before the concept of the "talent" myth. The idea of "talent" as some god-bestowed gift to a handful of fortunates was created eons ago by individuals unable to grasp the actual mechanism behind capability, and fostered by individuals who feared others becoming stronger or better than they.

The fundamental key to ability is hard work and persistence. That is the singular common denominator to all success. Predisposition might factor in; long fingers might make it easier to maneuver around piano keys, however all individuals with long fingers aren't piano players. Hard work and persistence. That is the key that unlocks all doors.

Keep moving forward.


"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
~~ Walt Disney


  1. Some terrific words of advice!

    And a stunning image, too. I love this one.

  2. Thank you, Gil D. Faingezicht!

    Cool, Chevette W ... and thank you! ... have a great day! ... :o)

  3. Beautiful image, Robin and I so couldn't agree with you more on your comments!

  4. Yeah, Garth McKay!! (and thank you!) ... Now, let's have this be infectious and pump everyone up today!!! ... :o)

  5. thanks for these great words and image !

  6. Thank you, jan wybren vellinga.

    Catherine FruitJuiceandLaugh ... thank you! ... I hope it charges you up for the day ... :o)

  7. an amazing and artistic shot! i love it!!

  8. It's one of my paintings, onnie hull ... but thank you! ... :o)

  9. ooops! with all we can do in post these days i didn't look close enough ... that it's one of your painted
    pieces makes it very much an amazing and artistic shot!!! Robin Griggs Wood beautiful!!

  10. Oh, onnie hull, with all the content we get streaming past us at a "zoom" pace, I never mind any "oops" -- that you comment at all is a real treasure ... :o) (And, thank you again!)

  11. Andreas Kaspar -- it is a painting ... ;o) ... and thank you ... :o)

  12. Thanks for adding me to your circle +Robin Griggs Wood. Your work is amazing, just stunningly beautiful :-)

  13. Thank you, Lucas Hickey -- I'm seeing some good stuff on your page as well! ... :o)

  14. very impressive painting , cool


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