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I like to push the creative envelope with my images, just to see what is possible. It doesn't matter, I can always shoot more or process again.

I like to push the creative envelope with my images, just to see what is possible. It doesn't matter, I can always shoot more or process again.

Too many artists fall in love with their work––their "children"––and can't move past the idea to just do MORE.

These "children", like real children, need to be let go of eventually. Then the new create can come in, which has the potential to become something much greater.

The ability to "waste" your work is actually sanity in the world of creativity.

Another of my wacky, over–the–top skies for #SkySunday  and the sometimes wacky, sometimes over–the–top Simone Linke (who never fails to make me smile!)

Sky Sunday - Photography Theme with thanks to Randy Scherkenbach and Patrick Scherkenbach


  1. Aaaaaaaaamazing!!!! Great work as always Robin Griggs Wood! ;-)

  2. Man oh man, you really waste well Robin Griggs Wood ;-)

  3. Awesome colors. Thanks for sharing for #SkySunday

  4. Hehe, for the record: I'm always wacky! :-D

  5. Very beautiful! Wonderful color and light!

  6. Burning up the sky. Sweet Robin Griggs Wood

  7. here's to pushing the creative envelope! Well done, well said

  8. Mark Esguerra -- Thank you so much, my friend!!
    Claus Hansen -- thank you
    Patricio Briceño -- thank you!
    Laksmi davi Love -- thank you!
    Shari Seibold -- thank you!
    Sandra Parlow -- thank you, dear! xo!
    Justin Hill -- thank you!
    Kalebra Kelby -- thank you, dear! xo!
    Wray Post -- thank you, my wacky friend ... ;o)
    Ced Bennett -- thank you!
    Barret Johnson -- thank you!
    Dani Andersen -- thank you for saying that!

  9. Randy Scherkenbach -- oh dear! ... with your post, I only just noticed the change of curators! My apologies to you and your brother, Patrick Scherkenbach! Thank you for curating!!
    Simone Linke -- noted! ;oD
    Shelly Gunderson -- thank you, dear!
    Brad Sloan -- thank you ... :o)
    tara bisgaard -- thank you!
    Lori Carey -- thank you!

  10. Burning sky!Robin Griggs Wood - feel like I should say something clever, but rather I'll keep it simple: this is absolutely amazing image!

  11. Warm glorious sky Robin Griggs Wood and your're inspiring me to do "more" with my images, thank you!

  12. Rebecca Johnson -- thank you!
    Craig Szymanski -- thank you, my friend!
    Lupe M. Luevano -- thank you, dear .... :o)
    John Roach -- thank you!
    Nataliya Myshko -- thank you, so much! Clever is nice, but honest is warmer! :o)
    Marilou Aballe -- thank you for saying that, dear ... playing is so much fun, and doesn't hurt anything ... ;o)

  13. very good your burning sky ,Robin

  14. Thank you so much for your comments, max G. and Sridhar Sri

  15. La Foto O El Arte o la creacion, es La salida del medio hostil, en Cual habitamos hermoso Momento fotografico

  16. Markus Landsmann -- thank you, my friend!

  17. nature is for everymoment ....lets have it

  18. I kinda like your wacky over the top sky Robin Griggs Wood. Roni would probably include a fitting song to go with that gorgeous sky.

  19. Dana Moyer -- yes, she would indeed! (She's good at that!). Thank you for your comment. How did you like your mentorship? ... :o)

  20. I really enjoyed it Robin Griggs Wood and learned quite a bit too. Most of all I feel fortunate to meet all the ladies in our group including our wonderful mentor Roni Delmonico

  21. Yes, Roni Delmonico is a sweetheart! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I am getting a lot of feedback, as well from my group, how much they appreciated each other ... :o)


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