Elevating Your Mood and Overcoming Depression: The 10 Most Selfish Things You Should Do For Yourself 1. Eat well and feed your body properly. Did you ever pause and look at the connection between how you feed yourself and your mental lows? This is a "biggie", folks. I have a friend who gained a bit of local fame for his work with depressed and troubled children. All he did was put them on good nutrition. Within three to six months, typically, he created radical changes in their behavior for the good. Your mood and the health of your body are on a direct link. A quality liquid mineral supplement is a very good start. 2. Volunteer your time to help another or others that cannot help themselves. It is harder to see your own misery when you are focused on others. 3. Learn yoga, pilates, tai-chi or some form of quiet physical discipline––at some point in your life. Whether or not you continue doing it for the rest of your life, the time spent doing it for a year or so t...