Revealing Your Vision Do you have a vision for your life? What is it? Do you actually know? What is "vision"––you know, when we're not talking about something which might involve your optometrist? The definition of "vision" I'm talking about is: "The ability to visualize, think about or plan the future." So, back to: Do you know what your vision is? If you don't, I can at least tell you what your vision was yesterday, a month ago, a year ago. Ready? You're sitting in it right now. Yep, that's right. The course, direction, circumstance of your life, as it is right this very minute, is the vision you've been working on. It's the one you've been holding in your mind and it's manifesting itself today. Do you want to change that? Here's the how-to. First, think about what you want to have or do. Next, write out a list with those aspirations on it leaving enough space on the side of each to write the obstacles preventing ...